내 친구가 며칠 전에 UHD 4K 디스플레이, 강력한 그래픽 카드, 16GB RAM 및 몇 가지 다른 제품을 갖춘 15.6인치 Lenovo 노트북을 가리키는 내가 가장 좋아하는 PC 스토어 링크가 포함된 이메일을 보냈습니다. USD1,540의 저렴한 가격. 그래서 나는 그것을 샀다.
따라서 여기에 내 최신 장난감에 대한 리뷰가 있습니다. 심각한 것, 마음. 원시 성능 측면에서 항상 중저가 수준이었던 대부분의 다른 랩톱과 달리 이 노트북은 진정한 경쟁자가 될 것이며 심지어 내 주요 게임 장비가 될 것입니다. 하지만 그 전에 이 기계에 대해 말씀드리겠습니다.
Y50-70 개요
저는 항상 Lenovo 노트북, 특히 ThinkPad 시리즈를 좋아했습니다. 내 테스트 노트북의 대부분은 실제로 튼튼한 ThinkPad이며 일부는 너무 오래되어 거의 수집가의 항목이며 노후와 학대에도 불구하고 수명이 길고 배터리가 훌륭하게 작동하며 하드웨어 결함이 거의 없습니다.
최신 구매는 실망하지 않습니다. 물리적인 디자인이 인상적입니다. 각진 뚜껑, 측면의 통풍구와 같은 의미 있는 Area 51 스텔스 전투기, 케이스 하단의 서브우퍼, 브러시드 블랙 알루미늄 및 빨간색 키보드 조명. 대박.
그러나 시각적 특수 효과를 무시하면 여전히 고급스러운 금속 및 플라스틱 조각을 얻을 수 있습니다. 피드백이 조금 더 정확할 수 있지만 키보드는 크고 편안하며 키 사이의 거리가 좋습니다. 또한 특히 WASD 콤보에 관심이 없는 게이머에게는 항상 좋은 별도의 숫자 패드가 제공됩니다. 다소 인상적인 사양에도 불구하고 무게는 2.4kg에 불과하여 내 UltraBook과 상당히 비슷하고 LG 또는 HP 제품보다 가볍습니다.
디스플레이는 아마도 가장 핫한 아이템일 것입니다. 오늘날 모두가 HD와 UHD에 대해 이야기하고 있습니다. 실제로 초고해상도는 3840x2160px의 해상도를 의미하며, 이는 일반적인 고선명 해상도의 4배를 의미합니다. 따라서 4K 레이블입니다. 그것은 도움이 되니? 우리는 볼 것이다.
하드웨어 구성이 사랑스럽습니다. 2.5GHz 클럭의 4세대 Intel i7 프로세서와 3.5GHz 터보 부스트가 함께 제공됩니다. 아주 좋아요. 메모리 버스에는 1,600MHz 정격의 DDR3 8GB 스틱 2개가 포함되어 있습니다. 디스크는 표준 5,400rpm 1TB 기계 장치이며 특수 8GB SSHD로 강화됩니다.
제가 정말로 관심을 가졌던 것은 그래픽 스택이었습니다. 4GB의 전용 RAM이 있는 Nvidia GTX 860M 카드가 제공됩니다. 성능 면에서는 Nvidia GTX 580과 비슷하지만 최신 프로세서 아키텍처를 사용하여 크고 강력한 카드를 슬림형 노트북에 장착할 수 있습니다. 이것은 좋은 소식입니다. 왜냐하면 이 카드는 제 메인 데스크탑 장비에 설치된 GTX 570을 능가하기 때문입니다.
이에 비해 카드에는 무게가 약 3-4kg이고 PCI-E 슬롯이 구부러지고 타워 전면에 있는 두 개의 드라이브 베이를 사용할 수 없으며 PSU가 필요한 30cm 길이의 괴물이 있습니다. 카드에 대해서만 300W의 원시 전력을 생성할 수 있습니다. 여기에는 얇고 편안한 케이스 내부의 보이지 않는 마법 조각이 있으며 충전기는 총 135W로 상당히 적습니다. 아주 멋지다.
왼쪽은 IdeaPad의 충전기입니다. 오른쪽은 표준 T60/400 시리즈입니다.
또한 Intel 4500HD 내부 그래픽도 사용할 수 있으며 데스크톱에서 하이브리드 모드로 실행되므로 배터리 수명과 열 활용도가 향상됩니다. 여기에 내 영혼에 깊은 상처를 남기고 내 프로덕션 데스크탑에서 진지한 게임을 포기하게 만든 Nvidia 드라이버에 대한 나의 공포를 더하면 불안과 성능 요구를 모두 충족시키는 매우 깔끔한 솔루션을 얻을 수 있습니다. 이제 가능한 드라이버 충돌로 인해 물리적 손상과 데이터 손실이 발생할 수도 있다는 걱정 없이 실제로 게임을 할 수 있습니다. 그래야만 하는 전용 게임 장비입니다. 완벽한.
나머지 하드웨어 사양도 매우 괜찮습니다. 듀얼 밴드 Intel AC 3160 무선 카드, 1Gbps 이더넷 포트, 720p HD 카메라, 4-in-1 카드 리더기, HDMI 소켓 1개, 상시 작동 USB 2.0 2개 및 USB 3.0 포트 1개가 제공됩니다. 음질도 상당히 좋다고 합니다. 다음 몇 가지. 또한 무료 외부 DVD 버너와 이 구매에 대해 USD25 할인, 2년 보증을 받았습니다.
충분한 테크노 용어. 이것에 전원을 공급합시다. 운영 체제는 아마도 가장 큰 문제일 것입니다. 바보라는 뜻의 Windows 8.1이지만 Classic Shell을 사용하면 비교적 쉽게 수정할 수 있으므로 일반 운영체제처럼 보이고 나타나고 작동할 수 있습니다. 실제로 일부 수정 후에는 합리적입니다.
이 시스템은 많은 쓰레기와 함께 번들로 제공됩니다. 바보들만이 필요로 하고 사용할 사전 설치된 소프트웨어. 상대적으로 깨끗한 시스템을 제공하는 Asus와 달리 Lenovo의 Y50은 불필요한 타사 제품이 많이 포함된 상태로 배송됩니다. 그래서 저는 약 2시간 동안 멍청한 부분을 잘라내고 Skype를 포함하여 이 시스템의 모든 Metro 앱을 제거했습니다. 일반 데스크톱 버전보다 열등하기 때문입니다. 이것은 충격적인 과정은 아니었지만 약간 지루했습니다. McAfee 안티바이러스, 내 멋진 방법을 사용하는 Windows Defender, 나머지는 모두 밖으로, 밖으로, 밖으로. 시스템 복원, 꺼짐. 그런 다음 긴장을 풀 수 있습니다.
그 모든 쓰레기를보세요. 하루 만에 과식을 하면 살이 찔 수 있는지, 푸틴과 오바마가 여가 시간에 무엇을 하는지 읽고 싶은 이유는 무엇입니까? 그런 다음 원격으로도 아무것도 수행하지 않는 30여 개의 프로모션 프로그램과 데스크톱 대응 프로그램에 감사드립니다. 그리고 여분의 사본을 판매하기 위한 방법에 불과한 마이크로소프트 오피스 제공을 잊지 말자. 실제로 실행 중인 버전이 있다고 생각했다면 큰 착각입니다. 무료 평가판? 내가 직접 할 수 있습니다.
당연히 로컬 계정도 설정했는데 걱정스러운 점은 모든 것을 위한 단일 C:\ 드라이브가 있어서 이미징이 어려울 수 있다는 것입니다. So I started contemplating booting from Linux, resizing and creating a data partition. More about that later.
Anyhow, in the end, the desktop feels and behaves like Windows 7. You'd not really know this is Windows 8.1. Once you turn off the stupidity factor, it's quite reasonable and pretty. Moreover, the display is actually not touch, so better still. Even if you want to be an adult monkey smearing the grease off your fingers onto the monitor, you can't really do that. ㅋ. Failed.
What about the display?
아하. 그래서. 4K sounds magnificent, but it is less glamorous than it sounds. The thing is, it has to do with far more than just resolution. Scaling, DPI and whatnot. The default scaling is set to 250%, so that you can actually see and use things, rather than have these tiny objects rendered on a display that is too small for such resolution.
This means that most of the menus are not as sharp as they should be. And some programs look horrible. VLC, cmd, several Intel graphics utilities. A few of them were barely usable. You could not really see any details. This is not a display problem, but more technology readiness across the market.
Unresized desktop objects; notice the tiny cmd and VLC commands compared to EMET's natively scaled window.
MC Hammer - U Can't Read This.
In the end, I opted for a reduced 1920x1080px resolution and 125% scaling. It is less perfect in terms of what the display can do, but it feels more natural. And the sharpness is better. Sometime in the future, when the entire Windows stack gets natural 4K support, I will crank it up to its full glory. At the moment, 1K is preferable. This also means no testing of games at this UHD resolution, so you will have to forgive me. But I doubt there's be too many titles that would run smoothly like that, anyhow.
This looks much better, really; 1920x1080px.
To demonstrate, here's a full-scale version of the Drivers utility panel, and how it feels. Now, depending on your own monitor resolution and such, you might miss my point, but the thing is, it's not crystal clear and sharp as you'd expect it, probably because the software does not scale beyond 96 DPI whereas the display has a density of something like 240 DPI or whatnot. Not really sure or keen on the details, but you get the basic idea. After all, it's an IdeaPad. Idea pad. Hihihihi.
This looks like what you expect.
The display is a little dim, and the color spectrum is a bit pale, but overall, the screen is pleasant enough to stare at for extended periods of time, without dizziness, fatigue or headaches. It takes a little while getting used to the non-native scaling and precision of rendered details, or rather, lack thereof in some cases, but in the end, your eyes do not tire, and if you fiddle a little with the brightness, the desktop and its programs will look very nice. Quite decent, given the price tag and overall capabilities. But don't get all hysterical about 4K. It's not yet ready for the masses.
Graphics &Gaming
So you have two cards. 멋진. And you can actually startup programs using this or that driver, and set defaults for each one separately. Nice again. Using Intel's card makes sense for low loads, while gaming should be executed with the Nvidia product.
I tried a few games, just to get the basic feel of it. Now, do not mind my considerations where the games ought to be installed and how they should be managed. That's not important. What you should care is, whether they look shiny and whether they run smoothly. Well, let's see.
Anyhow, the most resources intense game that I own is probably ArmA 3, a very realistic first person shooter. This game worked quite well on my desktop and its GTX 570 card, despite the foobar with Nvidia drivers last year.
I installed the title and fired it up. In the main menu, on very high settings, the game runs at about 45 FPS, and with ultra settings turned on, the framerate is about 35. However, while playing on large open maps, the value dips by about 10 frames, so ultra, even with Vsync turned on, is doable, but you will be more comfortable with settings on very high, all this with the full 1K (1080p) resolution. And as you can imagine, 4K is definitely not possible in a game like this, especially not with any reasonable settings. The card would simply not handle it. Most cards would not. The mainstream technology is not there yet.
ArmA 3 ran well, smoothly and without any stutters, and best yet, without any crashes. The particular set of drivers plus the card architecture plus luck resulted in about two hours of peaceful and stress free gaming. For now, it seems I have found the perfect solution for my gaming woes, without causing any risk to my data and daily productivity. Now, this does not guarantee anything, as the crashes could come back with a new driver update sometime in the future, but that's something to worry about later. At the moment, my household tranquility has been restored. I hate Nvidia no longer.
The laptop did not heat up too much, despite the load. The case was warm, but not hot, and the fans did not spin up madly. It was a very relaxed experience. Moreover, comparing to my desktop, the overall look &feel is almost identical. The desktop has faster disks but a slightly weaker CPU, so those two even out, and you get the same game loading times. Nothing that would cause you to feel this rig is inferior in any way. 아주 좋아요.
Other things
The system has a very neat configuration. Four cores, eight threads. But virtualization is disabled. This gave me a good opportunity to head into the BIOS and fiddle. The system does not show any POST setup, so you might think it's not there. 걱정하지 마세요. Like all Lenovo machines, F2 for BIOS - UEFI to be accurate, F12 for boot options.
Like my VivoBook, it lets you turn Secure Boot off, if you want. Then, you can also setup a hard disk password, which sounds interesting, but I don't know if this is just a system config or actual encryption on the disk controller. Always On USB is disabled by default, though, as glamorous as it sounds on the spec list. All in all, very cool. And fully configurable. Fear mongers mongered a bunch of fear for you, did they not.
Backup and such is another consideration. I don't like System restore, and I sure don't like having a single partition for everything. I did buy Acronis True Image 2015 and made a preliminary backup of the desktop in its use-ready state, before any data and games installations, in order to make the image as slim as possible. There's also an option of using CloneZilla, but I'm waiting with that a little, until I decide if and when Linux should become an option. So far, I'm inclined not to use Linux, as the laptop will mostly serve for gaming and such. Let's see how things evolve. 누가 알아.
Wireless connectivity worked beautifully. Good speed, good signal strength, both in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz range. Suspend &resume also worked well, taking about a second in each direction. The boot process is very fast, only about 10 seconds total. Battery life is also something we need to consider, but it's tricky. With just four cells and so much computing power, you can't really expect any miracles. I will keep you updated.
Linux and such
Haha, I fooled you. Time to play with Linux. But I will not be installing Linux just yet. Again, the main purpose of this box is wild gaming, and while Steam has made some really nice progress in this space, gaming still remains a Windows domain. However, we do need a live distro to shrink the C:\ drive, which is what I tried next. It also gives us an insight into how Linux behaves with this machine, even if we're not gonna be installing it.
For the experiment, I used Ubuntu 14.04, which has shown excellent results on the VivoBook, including a most stellar and smooth dual-boot configuration, hidden partitions, Secure Boot and UEFI notwithstanding. So it makes sense to give it another shot here.
Anyhow, Ubuntu had no problem with hard disk password, UEFI, Secure Boot or anything of that sort. It booted true into the live session. The desktop items are tiny and unreadable, unless you scale them up. In fact, Ubuntu Trusty does a pretty good job there, but you are better off simply going down from 4K to 1K, like in Windows. The default graphics driver was Nouveau, and it worked fine.
It looks pretty nifty with 1920x1080px, I have to say. Very elegant. All of the hardware was properly initialized. All of it. Really cool. And you have the eight threads blazing, and tons of memory. And the system was really, really fast. I am sorely tempted to give Linux its rightful place in yet another dual-boot setup, but we might wait with that. For real.
What I really wanted to do was use GParted to resize the C:\ drive from its enormous 950GB to something more manageable like 120GB, and then use all the rest of the space for actual data. This procedure worked without any hitches. Again, smooth as silk. After the reboot, Windows 8.1 came up without any problems, and all was dandy.
After this, I created a fresh image with Acronis, another with CloneZilla, and it all worked, blimey. Then, I finally started installing the full arsenal of my games and stuff and testing them. I did have to juggle some data settings between the drives, but that's what happens you suddenly gain a fresh new data partition. So much freedom!
But if there's a lesson here is that Ubuntu 14.04 did not disappoint, once again, on brand new hardware, with its posh graphics and all that. Very cool. This is a highly encouraging fact, and if you want Linux, there does not seem to be anything really stopping you. Plus, the laptop really rocks. Splendid.
Well, I am extremely pleased with my impulse purchase and what it gave me. I have a kickass machine that can play games like mad, it's beautiful, stylish, elegant, robust, and configured smartly. With eight cores, 16GB RAM, and a pair of powerful graphics cards, plus that overhyped but rather nice 4K display, it's a superb addition to my arsenal.
As you can see, everything is very easy to do. Delete unneeded software, tweak the look and feel, play with UEFI settings, beef up the security, run Linux if you feel like it, and still more. Lenovo's machines have always had that Nokia-like edge when it comes to quality and ergonomics, and this IdeaPad Y50 does not disappoint. It's an excellent value for money item, and if you need a big, powerful laptop, this is a good and smart choice.