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VPN을 사용하여 Amazon Prime에 무제한 액세스하는 방법

아마존은 세계에서 가장 큰 온라인 소매업체입니다. 이 회사는 지난 몇 년 동안 DVD 판매가 급격히 감소하는 것을 보았습니다. 이것은 그들이 현재 지배적 인 플레이어가 Netflix인 스트리밍 산업에 진입하도록 동기를 부여했습니다. 전 세계적으로 거의 1억 5천만 명의 가입자를 보유한 Netflix는 현재 시장의 제왕이지만 그 타이틀은 Amazon의 위협을 빠르게 받고 있습니다.

회사는 2018년 말에 1억 개의 구독 기록을 돌파했습니다. 이 수치는 미국에만 해당됩니다. 전 세계적으로 구독자 수는 2022년까지 1억 2,200만 명에 이를 것으로 예상됩니다. 미국 사용자가 Amazon 청중의 대부분을 차지하는 것은 분명합니다. 이것은 세계의 다른 지역에 있는 사람들에게 나쁜 소식을 의미합니다.

Amazon Prime은 오스트리아, 인도, 일본, 스페인, 독일, 영국, 캐나다, 프랑스 및 이탈리아에서 사용할 수 있지만 국가마다 콘텐츠 양이 다릅니다. 예를 들어, 미국 시청자는 가장 많은 TV 프로그램 및 영화 컬렉션에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 다른 국가에서 같은 배우의 영화를 검색하면 선택할 수 있는 항목이 제한됩니다. Amazon Prime VPN으로 Amazon Prime USA 버전에 액세스할 수 있지만.

간단한 3단계로 VPN으로 Amazon Prime에 액세스

Amazon Prime은 웹 사이트의 콘텐츠를 제한할 수 있지만 사용자가 이 문제를 해결할 수 있는 방법이 있습니다. Ivacy와 같은 VPN을 사용하면 인터넷에 연결하는 동시에 웹사이트와 다른 사람들이 모두 사용자가 다른 위치에 있다고 생각하게 만들 수 있습니다. 간단한 세 단계만 거치면 됩니다. 상점을 통해 장치에 Ivacy 애플리케이션을 설치하기만 하면 됩니다. 다음:

  • 1단계:사용 가능한 저렴한 패키지 중 하나를 선택하여 Ivacy에 가입합니다.
  • 2단계:해당 콘텐츠가 열려 있는 위치의 서버에 연결
  • 3단계:Amazon Prime 계정을 열고 마음껏 스트리밍하세요.

많은 사람들이 VPN이 무엇을 하는지 계속 궁금해합니다. 과정은 간단합니다. 일반적으로 사람들이 인터넷에 액세스할 때 웹사이트(이 경우 Amazon Prime)와 직접 연결됩니다. 따라서 플랫폼은 사용자가 어디에 있는지 정확하게 볼 수 있습니다. 그러나 VPN이 있으면 Amazon은 사용자가 아닌 VPN 서버의 위치를 ​​추적합니다. 따라서 좋아하는 콘텐츠에 익명으로 무제한 액세스할 수 있습니다.

아마존 프라임 정보

Amazon Prime은 훌륭한 오리지널 콘텐츠를 방영하기 시작한 이후로 인기가 높아지고 있습니다. 그랜드 투어와 같은 프로그램 그리고 Tom Clancy의 잭 라이언 플랫폼에 대한 새로운 구독을 유치하는 데 큰 역할을 했습니다. 아마존 프라임은 2005년에 출시되었습니다.

재정적으로 Amazon은 오늘날 세계에서 가장 큰 브랜드 중 하나인 Amazon의 지원을 받기 때문에 다른 모든 경쟁자보다 우위에 있습니다. 작년에 회사는 독창적인 콘텐츠 개발에 약 10억 달러를 지출했습니다. 회사는 2013-2014년에 방영된 대부분의 프로그램에 대한 예산에 대해 입을 다물고 있지만 현재까지 가장 비싼 시리즈로 간주됩니다.

Amazon Prime에서 영화를 보는 방법

Amazon Prime은 구독 기반 서비스입니다. 멤버십은 1년 단위이며 사용자는 선불로 지불하거나 전체 요금을 월 할부로 분할할 수 있습니다. 이용자의 편의에 따라 청약철회가 가능합니다. 이로써 계약이 종료되고 더 이상 계정이나 신용 카드에서 요금이 청구되지 않습니다.

Amazon Prime에 가입하려면 웹 사이트에 로그인하고 관련 세부 정보를 입력하고 결제하고 좋아하는 콘텐츠 스트리밍을 시작하기만 하면 됩니다. Amazon Prime은 거의 모든 주요 플랫폼에 대한 애플리케이션으로 사용할 수 있습니다. Xbox 및 PS4와 같은 게임 콘솔에도 설치할 수 있습니다.

계정에 로그인하면 오른쪽 상단 모서리에 'Your Prime'이라는 탭이 표시됩니다. 그것을 클릭하면 인기 TV 프로그램과 영화가 나열된 페이지로 리디렉션됩니다. 관심 있는 콘텐츠를 검색하고 Enter 키를 누르기만 하면 됩니다. 타일을 클릭하여 열면 여러 옵션이 있습니다.

Amazon Prime의 이점

The video streaming service is part of Amazon which is the biggest online retailer in the world. As such Amazon Prime comes with added benefits which apply when users shop for products on the website of the parent company. The relevant features include shipping, streaming and shopping benefits. This is not all. An Amazon Prime subscription also gets users access to additional applications like Amazon Photos.

When you purchase an Amazon Prime account, it comes with several free shipping options on specific products, the ability to use Prime Music and Twitch as well as a load of discounts which apply to shopping sprees on Amazon. The benefits of Amazon Prime apply to the whole range of Amazon products and services which makes it quite a deal.

Can you use Amazon Prime outside the US?

Amazon Prime is available in more than 200 countries around the world. The online streaming service has expanded to serve almost every country where Amazon can be used. With the exception of a handful of countries, Amazon Prime service is open around the globe. So, the answer to the question of whether Amazon Prime can be used outside the US is yes. It can be!

There is a catch though. Not all the movies and shows which are available to the US audiences are accessible to those outside the country. As we hinted upon this earlier, Amazon is a primarily US-based platform. The bulk of its users are from America so it only makes sense that most of their content is for the US market.

As a result, although Amazon Prime is available but not all their shows and movies can be seen by subscribers outside the US. This is also true for people who are American residents but are traveling abroad for some reason. Amazon can use your IP to track your location and restrict access to the content you would otherwise be free to watch.

This can sometimes become a nuisance. What if you’re traveling to a country where Amazon Prime services are not available at all? And what if you want to watch Amazon Prime but your favorite show is not available in the country you are in? Missing an episode can sometimes disturb avid viewers a lot. These problems can be solved through Amazon Prime Video VPN. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Download and install Ivacy,
  2. Sign in using your username or password. If you don’t have an existing account, create a new one,
  3. Select the fastest US server available,
  4. Click on connect and watch the magic happen.

When connected to a US server, there are no restrictions content-wise and neither are their limitations in terms of boundaries. Ivacy offers unlimited streaming so you don’t have to worry about anything on that end either. Once you connect to a US server, you are home free to watch Amazon Prime for as long as you like without having to fret over anything.

Can you use Amazon Prime outside the UK?

In order to watch Amazon Prime, users have to sign up using a credit card. The whole process means that the account is locked against a specific location. This can be in the United States, the United Kingdom or elsewhere. When a user creates an account to watch Amazon Prime in the UK, they will be able to log in to it from anywhere in the world but they won’t have access to the same amount of content.

While the Instant video service will be available worldwide, the UK prime requires an IP address which originates from within the country. So, if you’re traveling with your Amazon UK account and you try to watch Amazon Prime shows or movies, the system will not grant you access to it. In short, then you’ll have to rely on a VPN to help you watch your favorite shows while abroad.

In order to watch Amazon Prime users can connect Ivacy VPN and configure it to run on a UK server. This activates Amazon Prime video VPN and the person gains access to all the content which they watch back home. Without a VPN, you can watch instant videos but not Amazon Prime.

How can Amazon track a user’s location?

It is quite easy to track a user’s location especially for leading companies like Amazon. Every time a user types a URL in their browser’s address bar and hit enter, a packet of data is sent to the servers to that website. This parcel contains the IP address of the user as well as that of the site they want to view. This IP is like the exact home address of the device from which the request was received.

For there on, it is not a big deal. Websites can easily tell which country the user is in at the moment. They can actually tell much more than that but that is a debate for another day. When a user tries to watch Amazon Prime from a country besides the one the signed up from, the platform knows about it and they block access to certain content.

Amazon has its reasons for blocking shows and movies in specific countries. Sometimes, their research shows that the demand for those shows is not great beyond a particular region. Therefore, rather than receive low revenues they choose to block that content from viewership altogether. Another reason is licensing and this also plays a role in some movies and TV shows not being available in a country.

Can you use Amazon Prime outside Canada?

No, you can’t watch Amazon Prime outside Canada. This is particularly true if the original account was created from Canada. This will mean that as soon as you leave that country, you no longer have access to Amazon Prime. This can become a great nuisance because most of the shows are already exclusive to US audiences and then Amazon goes on and blocks usage completely.

Again, a VPN can solve this for you. With Ivacy installed, you don’t have to worry about where you are. All you need is your mobile device and active subscriptions for Amazon VPN.

Can you download movies from Amazon Prime to watch offline?

Previously, only users who had an Amazon Fire could download and watch videos while they had no internet connection. This has changed recently. Now anyone with an Amazon Prime subscription can easily download and watch Amazon Prime shows and movies whenever they want. There are a number of other third-party applications as well which allow the users to do the same.

This is a great way to watch your favorite shows while you are travelling but it is not so great for streaming any new episodes which might be coming out during this time. Content can either be downloaded to Amazon Prime’s application or to the personal device of the user. This makes viewership easy but as we’ve highlighted, it’s not so good for new content.

Which countries can use Amazon Prime?

Amazon Prime is a service limited to only a few countries where the online retailer has an extension of its original website. There are fifteen arms of Amazon websites but all of them don’t have Prime services. Now, users are able to get a Prime subscription from almost any country in the world but this has its own drawbacks. Besides the content restrictions, shipping perks are also limited to people living in the United States.

To watch Amazon Prime is a privilege which is only given to selected subscribers. The fifteen countries where Amazon has a website are the United States, India, Germany, Brazil, China, Australia, France, Italy, Japan, Spain, Mexico, The Netherlands, Singapore, the United Kingdom and Canada. Unfortunately, not all of these countries even have Prime services.

How much does an Amazon Prime subscription cost?

An Amazon Prime subscription costs $119 for the whole year. Surveys have shown that most users prefer to make the yearly payment upfront. Just a little over 25% avail the monthly payment option. These payments come to $12.99 a month. Amazon is costlier as compared to alternatives like Netflix but it makes up for that by providing perks towards other Amazon services like shopping and music.

Amazon has a large library of more than 40,000 TV shows and movies. It comes with a thirty-day free trial for annual subscriptions and the contract can be canceled by the user at any time. There are discounts for students and for people who are on government assistance. These advantages make an Amazon Prime account retain its value for money.

Can I use Amazon Prime UK in the USA?

Amazon Prime is a service for which users can signup from anywhere in the world. An Amazon Prime UK account will be accessible from the USA but thanks to geo-location and tracking services, users will only be able to view limited content. Usually, this involves only the Instant Video service and not the Prime videos.

Amazon Prime is a five-star service which comes with several perks and privileges. Amazon Instant Video, on the other hand, is a streaming service which is available to both subscribers and non-subscribers. Amazon Instant Video is like a normal store where you buy or rent and pay for each title at the point. It is different from the free access you get to as many movies you want with the Prime subscription.

How to watch Amazon Prime in France?

France is another country where Prime Video is available to Amazon subscribers. This was announced by the company just last year. People living in France have the ability to sign-up and watch Amazon Prime video from their home country but they face the same problem as everyone else around the world. When traveling or if living in another country, Prime video access is blocked.

Instant video is all that is available for foreign users. This means that even if someone has a Prime subscription, it is of no use abroad. Videos must be purchased every time you want to view them which is an extra cost. To watch Amazon Prime video VPN becomes necessary.

Ivacy is one of the best services available in the market as of now. With its unlimited access and capacity to unblock every major streaming service, it has received flying colors across the board from users and critics alike. Amazon Prime might not be available everywhere in the world but Ivacy is.

Along with peace of mind through anonymous browsing and IP masking, Ivacy also supports every major platform. From iOS to Android, from Windows to Mac and from Xbox to PS4, there is no gadget for which Ivacy applications are not available. What’s even more amazing is the speeds and capability to switch and choose between hundreds of servers so you always have the best streaming experience.

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