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Amazon Go 스토어의 기술에 대해 자세히 알아보기 – 센서 퓨전

지금까지 Amazon Go Store RFID, QR 코드 및 컴퓨터 비전의 3가지 기술에 대해 이야기했습니다. 그리고 Amazon Store에 대한 첫 번째 블로그에서 말했듯이 Amazon Store는 기존 기술 결합이라는 훌륭한 개념을 내놓았습니다. 오늘은 이 블로그에서 센서 융합 기술에 대해 이야기하겠습니다.

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  1. 온도 센서 –

Amazon Go 스토어의 기술에 대해 자세히 알아보기 – 센서 퓨전

온도를 전압 형태의 전기 신호로 측정하는 장치를 온도 센서라고 합니다. 온도 센서의 몇 가지 예는 서미스터, 열전쌍, 저항 온도계 및 실리콘 밴드 갭 온도 센서입니다. 이러한 센서는 온도 제어를 위해 산업 및 실험실에서 사용됩니다.

  1. 적외선 센서 –

Amazon Go 스토어의 기술에 대해 자세히 알아보기 – 센서 퓨전

시야 내에 있는 물체에서 방출되는 적외선을 측정하는 데 사용되는 전자 센서를 IR 센서 또는 초전기 센서(PIR)라고 합니다. 가장 일반적인 예는 자동 도어 개방 시스템입니다. 그것의 다른 용도는 TV, 에어컨 및 기타 장치의 리모컨입니다.

  1. 초음파 센서 –

Amazon Go 스토어의 기술에 대해 자세히 알아보기 – 센서 퓨전

초음파 센서는 SONAR 및 RADIO와 유사한 원리로 작동합니다. 즉, 고주파 음파를 생성하여 대상의 특성을 평가하기 위해 라디오 또는 음파의 에코를 해석합니다. 이 센서의 일반적인 용도는 접근할 수 없는 영역의 거리를 측정하는 것입니다.

  1. 터치 센서 –

Amazon Go 스토어의 기술에 대해 자세히 알아보기 – 센서 퓨전

터치 센서는 터치에 의해 활성화되는 스위치로 정의할 수 있습니다. There are different types of touch sensors that are classified based on type of touch such as capacitance touch switch, resistance touch switch, and peizo touch switch. The best example of such sensors is the Smartphone Devices with touch screen. Laptops are also being manufactured with touch screen.

  1. Proximity Sensor –

Proximity sensors helps in detecting two types of physical nature:

  • Presence or absence of an object
  • The size or simple shape of an object.

Some present applications of it are parking sensors in the cars, conveyor systems, mobile devices, ground proximity warning system for aviation safety, sheet break sensing in paper machine, automatic faucets etc.

  1. Pressure Sensor –

Amazon Go 스토어의 기술에 대해 자세히 알아보기 – 센서 퓨전

Pressure Sensor is a device that senses and measures pressure (usually of gases and liquids). The pressure sensor in electronic circuits is in the form of an integrated circuit that acts as a transducer, that is, it replicates the signal it receives as a function of imposed pressure.

Some of the uses of this sensor are altitude testing, force testing, leak testing, ratio metric correction of transducer output, flow sensing, etc.

  1. Speed Sensors –

Speed Sensors are used to detect the speed of an object or vehicle. The different types of Speed sensors are Wheel Speed Sensors, speedometers, LIDAR, ground speed radar, Pitometer logs, Doppler radar, air speed indicator and much more.

Project involving speed synchronization of multiple motors is the most popular use of this sensor. These sensors are used as speed controllers across various industries like Industrial (Mixers, Conveyors, Compressors etc.), Rail (traction control, speed control etc.), Petrochemical (Steam Turbines, Fans and Blowers etc.), Marine (Propulsion Control Systems, Fire Pump, Bilge Pump etc.) and more such areas.

  1. Smoke and Gas Sensors –

Amazon Go 스토어의 기술에 대해 자세히 알아보기 – 센서 퓨전

These sensors detect a lot of gas particles and turns the electricity supply on. It can be used to detect the presence of Carbon Monoxide gas. Smoke alarms and Gas alarms work on the same principle. In a fire many gas particles are created and trigger the gas sensor so the fire alarm sounds.

The most common use of it is in the form of Smoke Detectors in Offices and homes.

Amazon Go 스토어의 기술에 대해 자세히 알아보기 – 센서 퓨전 Amazon Go 스토어의 기술에 대해 자세히 알아보기 – 센서 퓨전

Wireless Sensor Network

These Sensors when connected to Wi-Fi and combined together to work as one system they are referred as Wireless Sensor Network. The development of wireless sensor networks was motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance; today such networks are used in many industrial and consumer applications, such as industrial process monitoring and control, machine health monitoring, and so on. Some of the applications of Wireless Sensor Network are as follows:

  1. Area Monitoring – deployed in the area where some phenomenon is to be monitored.
  2. Health care monitoring – it could have two types of devices, wearable and implanted.
  3. Air Pollution Monitoring – this system has been deployed in many cities to monitor the concentration of dangerous gases for citizens.
  4. Landslide Detection – It is a system which detects slight movements of soil and changes in various parameters that may occur before or during the landslide.
  5. Data Center Monitoring – Due to high amounts of data, often cabling and IP Addresses are an issue. To overcome that problem more and more racks are fitted out with wireless temperature sensors to monitor temperatures of racks.
  6. Wine Production – Sensor networks are used to monitor wine production for both in fields and cellar processes.

Hence this was just a brief about the sensors and sensor fusion technology. And if we talk about Amazon Store then the wait will be soon over. The wait to know how the technology is working in there.