이것은 매우 긴 검토가 될 것이므로 자신을 준비하십시오. 어쨌든 나는 훌륭한 텔레필리아가 된 적이 없습니다. 내 관심은 보통 다른 곳에 있지만 가끔 앉아서 멋진 영화를 보는 것을 좋아합니다. 이는 아마도 스마트 TV가 상상할 수 있는 내 재미있는 목록의 범위에 있다는 것을 의미할 것입니다. 스마트폰이나 태블릿과 거의 비슷합니다.
그러나 나는 말하자면 내 엔터테인먼트 포털을 향상시키고 스마트 TV의 기술적 측면을 탐구하고 열린 마음을 갖기 위해 하나를 구입하기로 결정했습니다. 다시 말해, 세계를 휩쓸고 있는 이 용감한 신제품에 대해 Dedoimedo의 가장 좋은 방식으로 매우 길고 매우 철저한 리뷰를 얻을 수 있습니다. 내 테스트 장치, LG 42LN570. 가자, 친구들!
LG 42LN570 사양
이 장치가 할 수 있는 것부터 시작하겠습니다. 구매할 때 나는 뛰어난 네트워크 기능이 없는 단순한 장치를 고려했습니다. 결국 300달러 차이에도 불구하고 더 성능이 좋은 모델을 선택했습니다. 그리고 미국 여러분, 제발 당신의 값싼 시장과 비교하지 마십시오. 자동차 비교를 기억하십시오. 귀하의 Audi A6는 나머지 세계에서 Audi A1만큼 비싸므로 미소를 지으며 만족하고 귀하가 얻는 것보다 아마도 두 배 더 높은 가격대를 무시하십시오.
내 기기는 42인치 풀 LED(다이렉트 LED) 풀 HD 1920x1080p TV 세트로 120Hz TruMotion 재생률을 지원합니다. 이에 대해서는 곧 더 자세히 설명하겠습니다. 전체적으로 무게는 약 15kg이며 초대형 컴퓨터 모니터처럼 보입니다. 또는 Apple iMac과 같은 스마트 기능을 어느 정도 제공한다면 가능합니다. 각도에 대해 말하자면, TV는 앞뒤, 위, 옆, 기울기, 이상한 곁눈질 등 모든 각도에서 매우 매끄럽고 잘 생겼습니다. IKEA 라이프스타일과 함께하는 미니멀리즘을 좋아한다면 여기에서 잘못되지 않을 것입니다.
참고:위 이미지는 lg.com에서 제공한 것입니다.
TV에는 듀얼 코어 프로세서와 4GB의 내부 저장 장치가 함께 제공됩니다. 7개의 사진 및 6개의 화면 모드, 해상도 업스케일링, 고급 오디오 등이 있습니다. 네트워킹 기능이 가장 인상적입니다. 유선 또는 무선 네트워크를 사용하여 인터넷에 연결할 수 있으며 웹으로 가는 길을 지원하는 프리미엄 콘텐츠 및 응용 프로그램을 얻을 수 있습니다. 수많은 코덱과 형식이 지원됩니다.
그러나 잠깐, 우리는 이제 막 시작했을 뿐입니다. 이제 여기에 모든 옵션과 기능을 버리지 않고 검토를 진행하면서 천천히 살펴보겠습니다. 아직 당신의 마음을 지우지 말자.
가게에서 그다지 똑똑하지 않은 판매원과 이야기할 때 그는 잘못된 소리가 나는 단일 USB 연결 소켓을 언급했습니다. 온라인에서 읽고 공식 사이트를 확인한 결과 실제 크기는 중요하지 않은 LG 42LN570에 다양한 입력 및 출력이 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 컴포넌트 비디오, RF 입력, AV 입력, LAN/이더넷, 디지털 오디오 출력 1개, USB 3개 및 HDMI 입력 3개가 함께 제공됩니다. 이제는 더 비슷합니다.
설정 및 최초 사용
별거 없습니다. 설명서를 읽을 필요도 없습니다. 상자에서 장치를 꺼내고 프레임에서 얇은 플라스틱 보호대를 제거한 다음 스탠드를 고정하고 TV를 원하는 위치에 놓습니다. 관련 케이블이 있으면 연결하고 전원을 켭니다. 버튼은 장치의 오른쪽 하단에 있습니다.
TV는 음성인식도 지원하는 매직리모컨으로 제어된다. 이 작은 물건은 매우 멋지고 유연하며 사용하기에 재미있습니다. 포인터를 표시하기 위해 흔들면 부드러운 클릭이지만 반응이 빠른 화살표 키와 스크롤 휠이 있는 표준 컴퓨터 마우스와 거의 같습니다. 못생긴 버튼이 백만 개가 아니라 소수에 불과하며 스타일리시한 영역에 남아 있습니다.
If you have cable or similar, the TV will scan all available channels and frequency and auto-tune them for you, or connect directly to HDMI devices and such. If not, you will only get static snow, and then you will have to click on the SMART button on the remote to access the more interesting features.
The main view is one of several decks of icons, with little arrows to move left and right. You can see a small-scale screen of whatever is currently showing in the top left corner, Premium content in the center, games to the right, and then, further right, still more applications, and your SmartShare, which allows you to connect external devices to your television set. We will touch upon that very soon.
At the bottom, you have a panel of shortcuts, including inputs, settings, an Internet browser, TV Guide, Time Machine, which allows you to record TV programs, user guide, plus several other useful applications. All in all, the layout is fairly clean and visually pleasing. The exact layout of icons will differ based on regional offerings.
Premium content
The word premium sure has a nice ring to it, and it is supposed to add glamor to your box. I believe this will have most value for people in the USA, where you do get a lot of HD streaming content. Elsewhere, you will find some value, but not to the full extent of what the television set can do.
LG 42LN570 comes with a regional arsenal of premium software, so what you see in my screenshots may not reflect your reality, at all. I had Picasa, Skype, vTuner, viewster, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and a handful more. Some of these require extra setup to get working correctly, and you sure need ample and fast bandwidth for a seamless experience.
This is the most interesting application, I think. You get all of Youtube, right there. And if you know how to search for high-quality content, you can find it. For instance, most of Sergio Leone's spaghetti westerns are available in 720p. Then, there's a whole bunch of great British comedies, all for free. Anything you can find in a standard browser is there, but now with a 42-inch screen, your focus shifts a little. Still, the core principles remain.
Using the Magic Remote can be a little tedious, so you might want to consider a wireless keyboard. Still, with suggestions turned on, you will find your way around rather quickly. Not bad at all, and this is one premium item that really justifies its name.
Skype &camera
You do need extra hardware to fully utilize your TV. For example, if you want to Skype with other people, you need a microphone. If you want to use the camera application, you will need a dedicated TV camera for that.
Don't forget your TV is a super-sized tablet with no touch capabilities. But it's a computer in every sense. You have applications and games, and you can purchase and install more, if you want. Now, the repertoire does not compare to a full-blown store like you get with Android, for instance, but it is good enough for the living room fun.
You have a full-blown browser for your Internet escapades. It comes with tabs, bookmarks, search, history, everything you need, although not all sites will cooperate, especially if they have embedded content with various esoteric media plugins. Now, you may not find this too convenient for use, especially with the TV preview in the right bottom corner, but it can be removed. You can also search using voice recognition, and it works really well. It has a fairly high quality of matching, and I find it more accurate than similar capabilities on the few Android devices that I own.
Network connectivity
This is probably the most important and interesting part of any smart TV. LG 42LN570 comes with a huge array of connectivity options. It supports your standard network via cable or radio, but it can also do Wi-Fi Direct, Miracast or WiDi, MHL, DLNA, and still more. We shall proceed with caution.
Wireless networking
Worked fine and without any issues. The only cumbersome part was using the Magic Remote to control the on-screen keyboard to provide the password for my WPA2-enabled access point, but after that, it was all dandy.
For this test, I used my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet. I allowed file sharing with nearby devices, and then I received a prompt to allow a Linux 3.0.13 thingie. There you go, Linux. 빙고. And you can see the full name string, including the kernel version, the LG SDK version, the TV name, and the firmware used. Neat, no.
And you will see a similar prompt on the TV itself:
Then, through the SmartShare, you can enjoy the connect available on your paired devices. I browsed a handful of images and listened to some music stored on the tablet. Then, I also tried to play a full-HD Big Bucks Bunny video, but my network connection signal was not strong enough to allow for a flawless streaming. Both the TV and tablet were about six meters from the access point, and the playback stuttered until a new chunk was buffered. Not ideal, but good enough. Oh, not all image types are supported, by the way. The LG Smart TV did not like PNG files really.
However, network capabilities aside, the image was crisp, and the audio quality was rather good. Surprisingly good, and I am saying that as someone with limited musical skills. Well, my one and only character flaw, because I'm perfect otherwise.
Intel WiDi
WiDi - Wireless Display - sounds like a cool concept. Alas, it proved too difficult to get working. The actual instructions are far from trivial - you need to install your graphics drivers, your Wireless drivers and the software itself. I tested three different boxes, without much success. Two laptops, T400 and T410 did not have the necessary chips. My latest gadget, an Asus VivoBook had the needed processor for this kind of fun, but the Wireless card was not supported. It's an Atheros, where WiDi only supports Intel and a few Broadcom devices. 계속하려면.
WiFi Direct
Worked just fine. I managed to pair the TV with Samsung Galaxy S4 without any problems really. First, I powered on the smartphone and turned on the correct options, and then, made sure that the TV was also configured properly. 걱정 마.
3D video &MHL
At the moment, I have no videos, nor glasses to test this. 소즈. Moreover, not really sure how to demo 3D in 2D in a Web article. What kind of thingie do you expect to see exactly? 정확히. Still, for the sake of OCD, we will test when appropriate.
I still have not tested MHL either, so stay tuned. But basically, it's just HDMI, so it's not really that interesting. However, since I cannot leave any stone remain unturned, we will probably revisit this in some future review or such like.
External devices
LG 42LN570 lets you connect external disks. Fairly simple really. Just plug in a USB device, and let it be auto-mounted. This smart TV did not struggle with either FAT32 or NTFS file systems. Once you have the device listed, you can search through videos and music files, recent lists, and so forth. Quite handy and simple.
Connection to external shares
This is something I have not yet figured out. The LG Smart TV can connect to other devices using DLNA and Wi-Fi Direct, but I did not find a simple way of using Samba shares on other computers. This means you cannot stream video over Wireless just like that. Furthermore, this also limits how much TV shows you can record using the Time Machine, because the internal storage is very limited. Maybe I am missing something, but perhaps there is a simple way to point the recording software to use external media for storage.
Video playback
The real reason why you would buy a TV in the first place. I must admit I was most pleasantly surprised. I have yet to find a file that this device won't play. Whether it's an ancient movie from ten years back or a brand new HD clip, they all played. Moreover, the resolution upscaling really works well, and there is not that much difference between non-HD and HD content. You get everything you need, plus neat controls.
In my testing, LG 42LN570 handled all of the following without a hitch - MKV, AVI, MP4, and MPEG containers, with an assortment of MPEG2, AAC, MP3, H.264 and many other more or less exotic formats. Subtitles (SRT) are automatically read and loaded, including content embedded inside MKV, which you can toggle on and off in the quick menu. Jolly great.
Recording videos
This sounds like an interesting concept, but the internal storage is tiny. You only have a small portion of the 4GB available for your stuff, and without an obvious option to redirect the recordings to a different device, might not be truly ideal. I have to yet figure this one out in greater detail.
Soap Opera effect!
And this was the big and nasty surprise I encountered at first. We go back to our earlier mention of the TruMotion capability. The thing is, like most other smart TVs, LG's box interpolates frames above the standard movie-recording 24fps to match the refresh frequency of its screen. This means you get more content than originally intended, resulting in over-realistic, over-smooth playback, which makes it all feel too close, too soap opera like. For me, the initial experience was one of shock and disappointment. Here I was, using this expensive HD set, and everything looked cheaper than early 80s pr0n. 안좋다.
I spent some time reading about this. Eventually, I figured it out. In the Settings menu, under Picture Mode, you can change the default profile to a different one. The best option is to use the Game mode, which removes all picture interpolation. This restores your normal, expected movie-like experience. Now, please do note you must configure it separately for your TV channels and for your media content. You can also fine-tune the experience with other settings, including sharpness, dynamic contrast, gamma, and more. You can also turn off TruMotion for any one selected mode individually.
LG TV Remote Android App
Now, here's a cool thing. You can control your LG Smart TV using an Android phone, as long as the two are connected to the same network. The application is available in Google Play, grab it, provide the six-digit pairing key that pops up on the TV screen, and start controlling the device using a smartphone or a tablet. Fairly simple.
Software updates
This is Linux, remember. And like any ole operating system, it gets updates. My device came with a very old firmware version, dated almost a year back. So I let it search for new versions, and then update itself. It went fast and true, however my customization to picture settings were gone. Make sure you write down your values before updating.
There is not a great deal of customization you can get here, really. You can shuffle the cards, and add new, personalized ones with your own icons, but you can't really move aside any of the hardcoded content. So you do get a small degree of freedom, kinda, but not as much as you might expect.
Final looks
And how it all plugs into the ambiance:
LG 42LN570 Smart TV is a very interesting, colorful and capable device. It's a computer is every sense of the word, with premium content, applications, great support for video and audio, tons of peripheral connections, excellent network, and more. Really nice, and worth its price. Some of the stuff takes extra hardware and a good Internet connection, but that's more of a bonus really.
To make this review even more complete, do note I have purchased myself a Raspberry Pi. I will be assembling my own media center, and then we will see how the little thingie handles the smart TV and vice versa. XBMC, plugins, still more video and connectivity options, it ought to be really interesting. 계속 지켜봐 주세요. For now, if you're looking for an intelligent telly, this one looks like a good candidate. At least, I'm pleased, from my own pseudo-conservative stand point as a would-be dumb user. Grade we must, and so this box gets its well-deserved 9.5/10, mostly because of its great video support and supreme network features. Well done overall.