데이터베이스에서 일부 레코드를 삭제하려면 DELETE 작업이 필요합니다. 다음은 AGE가 20 이상인 EMPLOYEE의 모든 레코드를 삭제하는 절차입니다. -
#!/usr/bin/python import MySQLdb # Open database connection db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","testuser","test123","TESTDB" ) # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method cursor = db.cursor() # Prepare SQL query to DELETE required records sql = "DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE AGE > '%d'" % (20) try: # Execute the SQL command cursor.execute(sql) # Commit your changes in the database db.commit() except: # Rollback in case there is any error db.rollback() # disconnect from server db.close()