세트는 각 요소가 고유해야 하는 추상 데이터 유형입니다. 요소의 값이 이를 식별하기 때문입니다. 요소의 값은 세트에 추가되면 수정할 수 없지만 해당 요소의 수정된 값을 제거 및 추가하는 것은 가능합니다.
기능 및 설명:
Functions used here: st.size() = Returns the size of set. st.insert() = It is used to insert elements to the set. st.erase() = To delete the element from the set. st.find() = Returns an iterator to the search element in the set if found, else returns the iterator to end. st.begin() = Returns an iterator to the first element in the set. st.end() = Returns an iterator to the last element in the set.
예시 코드
#include <iostream> #include <set> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { set<int> st; set<int>::iterator it; int c, i; while (1) { cout<<"1.Size of the Set"<<endl; cout<<"2.Insert Element into the Set"<<endl; cout<<"3.Delete Element of the Set"<<endl; cout<<"4.Find Element in a Set"<<endl; cout<<"5.Display the set: "<<endl; cout<<"6.Exit"<<endl; cout<<"Enter your Choice: "; cin>>c; switch(c) { case 1: cout<<"Size of the Set: "; cout<<st.size()<<endl; break; case 2: cout<<"Enter value to be inserted: "; cin>>i; st.insert(i); break; case 3: cout<<"Enter the element to be deleted: "; cin>>i; st.erase(i); break; case 4: cout<<"Enter the element to be found: "; cin>>i; it = st.find(i); if (it != st.end()) cout<<"Element "<<*it<<" found in the set" <<endl; else cout<<"No Element Found"<<endl; break; case 5: cout<<"Displaying Set by Iterator: "; for (it = st.begin(); it != st.end(); it++) { cout << (*it)<<" "; } cout<<endl; break; case 6: exit(1); break; default: cout<<"Wrong Choice"<<endl; } } return 0; }
1.Size of the Set 2.Insert Element into the Set 3.Delete Element of the Set 4.Find Element in a Set 5.Display the set: 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Size of the Set: 0 1.Size of the Set 2.Insert Element into the Set 3.Delete Element of the Set 4.Find Element in a Set 5.Display the set: 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 2 Enter value to be inserted: 1 1.Size of the Set 2.Insert Element into the Set 3.Delete Element of the Set 4.Find Element in a Set 5.Display the set: 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 2 Enter value to be inserted: 7 1.Size of the Set 2.Insert Element into the Set 3.Delete Element of the Set 4.Find Element in a Set 5.Display the set: 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 2 Enter value to be inserted: 6 1.Size of the Set 2.Insert Element into the Set 3.Delete Element of the Set 4.Find Element in a Set 5.Display the set: 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 2 Enter value to be inserted: 4 1.Size of the Set 2.Insert Element into the Set 3.Delete Element of the Set 4.Find Element in a Set 5.Display the set: 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 3 Enter the element to be deleted: 1 1.Size of the Set 2.Insert Element into the Set 3.Delete Element of the Set 4.Find Element in a Set 5.Display the set: 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 4 Enter the element to be found: 7 Element 7 found in the set 1.Size of the Set 2.Insert Element into the Set 3.Delete Element of the Set 4.Find Element in a Set 5.Display the set: 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 6 Exit code: 1