AVL 트리는 모든 노드에 대해 왼쪽 및 오른쪽 하위 트리의 높이 차이가 1보다 클 수 없는 자체 균형 이진 검색 트리입니다.
주어진 Binary Tree가 AVL Tree인지 확인하는 C++ 프로그램입니다.
Begin function AVL() returns true if the given tree is AVL otherwise false. if(root == NULL) return 1 leftheight = height(root->left) rightheight = height(root->right) if(abs(leftheight-rightheight) <= 1 && AVL(root->left) && AVL(root->right)) return 1 return 0 End
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class nod { //node declaration public: int data; nod* l; nod* r; }; nod* newNod(int d) { //creation of new node nod* Nod = new nod(); Nod->data = d; Nod->l = NULL; Nod->r = NULL; return(Nod); } int max(int x, int y) { //return maximum between two values return (x >= y)? x: y; } int height(nod* node) { //get the height means the number of nodes along the longest path from the root node down to the farthest leaf node of the tree. if(node == NULL) return 0; return 1 + max(height(node->l), height(node->r)); } bool AVL(nod *root) { int lh; int rh; if(root == NULL) return 1; lh = height(root->l); // left height rh = height(root->r); // right height if(abs(lh-rh) <= 1 && AVL(root->l) && AVL(root->r)) return 1; return 0; } int main() { //take the nodes of the tree as input nod *root = newNod(7); root->l = newNod(6); root->r = newNod(12); root->l->l = newNod(4); root->l->r = newNod(5); root->r->r = newNod(13); if(AVL(root)) cout << "The Tree is AVL Tree"<<endl; else cout << "The Tree is not AVL Tree "<<endl; nod *root1 = newNod(7); root1->l = newNod(6); root1->r = newNod(12); root1->l->l = newNod(4); root1->l->r = newNod(5); root1->r->r = newNod(13); root1->r->r->r = newNod(26); if(AVL(root1)) cout << "The Tree is AVL Tree"<<endl; else cout << "The Tree is not AVL Tree "<<endl; return 0; }
The Tree is AVL Tree The Tree is not AVL Tree