Treap을 구현하기 위한 C++ 프로그램입니다. Treap 데이터 구조는 기본적으로 무작위 이진 검색 트리입니다. 여기에서는 이에 대한 삽입, 삭제 및 검색 작업을 고려할 것입니다.
기능 및 설명
왼쪽 회전을 위한 rotLeft() 함수 | 먼저 트리를 회전한 다음 새 루트를 설정합니다. |
오른쪽 회전을 위한 rotRight() 함수 | 먼저 트리를 회전한 다음 새 루트를 설정합니다. |
함수 insetNod() 재귀적으로 우선 순위가 있는 treap에 주어진 키를 삽입하려면 -
If root = nullptr return data as root. If given data is less then root node, Insert data in left subtree. Rotate left if heap property violated. else Insert data in right subtree. Rotate right if heap property violated.
함수 searchNod() treap에서 키를 재귀적으로 검색하기 위해 -
If key is not present return false. If key is present return true. If key is less than root, search in left subtree. Else search in right subtree.
함수 deleteNod() 재귀적으로 treap에서 키를 삭제하려면 -
If key is not present return false If key is present return true. If key is less than root, go to left subtree. Else Go to right subtree. If key is found: node to be deleted which is a leaf node deallocate the memory and update root to null. delete root. node to be deleted which has two children if left child has less priority than right child call rotLeft() on root recursively delete the left child else call rotRight() on root recursively delete the right child node to be deleted has only one child find child node deallocate the memory Print the result. End
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; struct TreapNod { //node declaration int data; int priority; TreapNod* l, *r; TreapNod(int d) { //constructor this->data = d; this->priority = rand() % 100; this->l= this->r = nullptr; } }; void rotLeft(TreapNod* &root) { //left rotation TreapNod* R = root->r; TreapNod* X = root->r->l; R->l = root; root->r= X; root = R; } void rotRight(TreapNod* &root) { //right rotation TreapNod* L = root->l; TreapNod* Y = root->l->r; L->r = root; root->l= Y; root = L; } void insertNod(TreapNod* &root, int d) { //insertion if (root == nullptr) { root = new TreapNod(d); return; } if (d < root->data) { insertNod(root->l, d); if (root->l != nullptr && root->l->priority > root->priority) rotRight(root); } else { insertNod(root->r, d); if (root->r!= nullptr && root->r->priority > root->priority) rotLeft(root); } } bool searchNod(TreapNod* root, int key) { if (root == nullptr) return false; if (root->data == key) return true; if (key < root->data) return searchNod(root->l, key); return searchNod(root->r, key); } void deleteNod(TreapNod* &root, int key) { //node to be deleted which is a leaf node if (root == nullptr) return; if (key < root->data) deleteNod(root->l, key); else if (key > root->data) deleteNod(root->r, key); //node to be deleted which has two children else { if (root->l ==nullptr && root->r == nullptr) { delete root; root = nullptr; } else if (root->l && root->r) { if (root->l->priority < root->r->priority) { rotLeft(root); deleteNod(root->l, key); } else { rotRight(root); deleteNod(root->r, key); } } //node to be deleted has only one child else { TreapNod* child = (root->l)? root->l: root->r; TreapNod* curr = root; root = child; delete curr; } } } void displayTreap(TreapNod *root, int space = 0, int height =10) { //display treap if (root == nullptr) return; space += height; displayTreap(root->l, space); cout << endl; for (int i = height; i < space; i++) cout << ' '; cout << root->data << "(" << root->priority << ")\n"; cout << endl; displayTreap(root->r, space); } int main() { int nums[] = {1,7,6,4,3,2,8,9,10 }; int a = sizeof(nums)/sizeof(int); TreapNod* root = nullptr; srand(time(nullptr)); for (int n: nums) insertNod(root, n); cout << "Constructed Treap:\n\n"; displayTreap(root); cout << "\nDeleting node 8:\n\n"; deleteNod(root, 8); displayTreap(root); cout << "\nDeleting node 3:\n\n"; deleteNod(root, 3); displayTreap(root); return 0; }
Constructed Treap: 1(12) 2(27) 3(97) 4(46) 6(75) 7(88) 8(20) 9(41) 10(25) Deleting node 8: 1(12) 2(27) 3(97) 4(46) 6(75) 7(88) 9(41) 10(25) Deleting node 3: 1(12) 2(27) 4(46) 6(75) 7(88) 9(41) 10(25)