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C#에서 Anonymous 메서드를 선언하는 방법을 살펴보겠습니다 −
delegate void NumberChanger(int n); ... NumberChanger nc = delegate(int x) { Console.WriteLine("Anonymous Method: {0}", x); };
다음은 C#에서 Anonymous 메서드를 구현하는 예입니다.
using System; delegate void NumberChanger(int n); namespace DelegateAppl { class Demo { static int num = 10; public static void AddNum(int p) { num += p; Console.WriteLine("Named Method: {0}", num); } public static void MultNum(int q) { num *= q; Console.WriteLine("Named Method: {0}", num); } public static int getNum() { return num; } static void Main(string[] args) { //create delegate instances using anonymous method NumberChanger nc = delegate(int x) { Console.WriteLine("Anonymous Method: {0}", x); }; //calling the delegate using the anonymous method nc(10); //instantiating the delegate using the named methods nc = new NumberChanger(AddNum); //calling the delegate using the named methods nc(5); //instantiating the delegate using another named methods nc = new NumberChanger(MultNum); //calling the delegate using the named methods nc(2); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
Anonymous Method: 10 Named Method: 15 Named Method: 30