시간이 부족하십니까? 다음은 Android 및 iPhone에서 소셜 미디어 사용을 차단, 추적 및 제한하는 최고의 앱 목록입니다.
소셜 미디어 중독 극복하기 어렵다. 일어나자마자 휴대폰에서 Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, 의 알림을 확인합니다. 틱톡 및 기타 인기 있는 소셜 미디어 네트워크. 이러한 산만함은 많은 시간을 소비할 뿐만 아니라 현실 세계에서 멀어지게 합니다. 이것은 사랑하는 사람들을 가장 실망시킵니다!
직장과 개인 생활, 소셜 미디어 중독 사이를 오가는 당신도 그들 중 하나라면 잘 찾아오셨습니다. 50개 이상의 앱과 서비스를 조사한 후 iPhone 및 Android에서 소셜 미디어 사용을 추적하고 제한하는 최고의 앱 목록을 만들었습니다.
스마트폰에 나열된 이러한 애플리케이션 중 하나를 가지고 있으면 의심할 여지 없이 소셜 미디어 중독을 끊는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 이제 가장 유용한 소셜 미디어 차단 앱을 살펴보겠습니다. &iPhone 및 Android에서 사용량을 제한합니다.
앱 시간 추적기는 어떻게 작동하나요?
유틸리티 제조업체는 사용자의 웰빙에 깊은 관심을 갖고 있으며 사용자가 소셜 미디어의 블랙홀에 빠지는 것을 원하지 않습니다. 이제 이러한 앱이 어떻게 도움이 되는지 궁금하실 것입니다. 이러한 애플리케이션은 인터넷과 가상의 산만함을 제거하여 업무와 개인 생활에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. . 중요한 일에 집중하거나 생산성을 높이고 싶을 때마다 집중 시간을 예약할 수 있습니다. .
이 시간 동안 모든 소셜 미디어 앱 및 원치 않는 알림이 자동으로 차단됩니다. 또한 앱 사용 시간을 계속 확인할 수 있습니다. 동일한 알림을 설정하여. 설정된 시간 제한을 초과할 때마다 스마트폰 추적기가 지속적으로 알림을 전송하여 알려줍니다.
따라서 소셜 미디어 사용을 제한하는 최고의 앱을 사용하여 온라인 행동을 제어하는 것이 그 어느 때보다 쉬워졌습니다. .
앱 사용을 어떻게 모니터링합니까? 소셜 미디어 사용을 제한하는 상위 10개 이상의 앱을 만나보세요
작업을 단순화하고 스마트폰 중독을 효과적이고 빠르게 끊는 데 도움이 되는 상위 소셜 미디어 차단 앱 목록은 다음과 같습니다. 소셜 네트워크 및 전체 전화 사용을 제한하는 데 도움이 되는 방법:
소셜 미디어 시간 및 사용을 추적하고 제한하는 10가지 최고의 앱(2022 에디션)
이제 이러한 앱 사용 추적기의 작동 방식을 알았으니 기능 세트, 장단점을 살펴보겠습니다.
1. Social Fever:앱 시간 추적기
사용자가 몇 번의 탭으로 소셜 미디어 및 스마트폰 사용을 추적하고 제한할 수 있도록 도와주는 놀라운 Android 앱입니다. 이 애플리케이션은 고급 알고리즘으로 설계되어 시간을 현명하게 관리하고 가능한 최상의 방법으로 실생활과 연결하도록 돕습니다. . 디지털 중독을 퇴치하기 위한 실행 가능한 기능이 포함된 전화 추적기입니다. 이 정확한 소셜 미디어 추적기를 사용하여 자세한 전화 및 애플리케이션 사용 요약을 얻으십시오.
기능:Social Fever:앱 시간 추적기
- 직관적인 UI를 갖춘 뛰어난 스마트폰 추적기.
- 최신 Android OS에서 작동합니다.
- 전화 잠금 및 잠금 해제 번호에 대해 알려줄 수 있습니다. <리 스타일="글꼴 무게:400;" aria-level="1">이 소셜 미디어 모니터링 앱으로 디지털과 실생활의 균형을 맞추는 데 관심을 설정할 수 있습니다.
- 앱 사용을 추적하고 스마트폰 사용자가 되도록 목표를 설정합니다.
- 앱 사용에 대한 자세한 정보를 얻으십시오.
- 음악을 듣거나 화면을 보는 동안 휴식을 취하라는 알림을 자주 받아 귀와 눈의 건강을 확인하세요.
- 잘 디자인된 화면 추적기로 제한된 시간 동안 휴대전화를 사용하고 소중한 시간을 취미 생활에 할애할 수 있습니다.
- 수분 유지를 위한 물 알림.
- 전화 리소스를 많이 차지하지 않습니다. <리 스타일="글꼴 무게:400;" aria-level="1">이 소셜 미디어 추적 앱은 백그라운드에서 작동합니다.
- 실제 목표를 놓치지 않도록 합니다.
- 잠금 해제 횟수에 대한 정확한 정보를 얻으세요.
- 설정한 앱 사용 시간이 초과될 때마다 알림
- 무료 소셜 미디어 및 앱 사용 추적기에는 없습니다.
2. 오프타임
Offtime은 손끝에서 바로 디지털 기기 사용 앱의 균형을 맞추는 데 도움이 되는 사용하기 쉬운 소셜 미디어 추적기 애플리케이션입니다. 이 앱은 스마트폰 및 태블릿의 소셜 미디어 사용 시간을 실시간 및 일정으로 손쉽게 제한합니다. 시간 초과 지원 바쁜 일정을 관리합니다. Let’s scour the features of Offtime, one of the best social media monitoring apps:
- Tracks and compares your device usage to help you improve.
- Enables you to set personal device usage goals.
- Use the app alone or ask people to join you to OFFTIMEs.
- It provides you with daily feedback and an overview of your smartphone usage. <리 스타일="글꼴 무게:400;" aria-level="1">This social media tracking app syncs across all devices.
- Choose Modes for better efficiency:Work, Family or Me Time
- Wake-up calls to curb your habits.
- Significantly reduce digital addiction.
- Issues while editing profiles or saving changes.
- Frequent updates annoy users.
- Most of the features are available with PRO.
3. Moment
With the tagline – Less Phone. More Real Life ! Moment claims to be one of the best apps to track and limit Social Media Usage on both iPhone &Android devices. We cannot agree more that Moment gives you back the time you’ve wasted scrolling through your social network feeds. Let’s see how Moment has become the most useful social media monitoring app &app usage tracker:
- Monitor your phone and your family members’ screen time to control the addiction.
- You can schedule your screen-free dinner time, this means for the next set time duration, no one can use their phone or else an annoying alarm will go on.
- Tracks which app is used the most on your smartphone.
- Keeps track of how many times you pick a phone to use it.
- Set &manage goals to track screen time, sharpen focus, have more family time, sleep better, stop wasting time, reduce anxiety, improve relationships &more.
- The app runs in the background without opening it to access features.
- This social media tracker works well for all your family devices.
- Shows accurate time spent on your smartphone.
- Annoying alarm clock.
- Sometimes it gets glitchy to work with.
4. StayFree
A perfect blend of screen time &app usage tracker, StayFree is an excellent utility for self-control and enhancing productivity . The Social media blocker works best to help you focus on important things by restricting the usage of your favorite apps. It gives time reports &statistics on your usage history so that you can improve your performance from day to day.
- View charts &stats of your app usage history.
- Sends quick notifications for overuse.
- Customize the app usage tracker with five beautiful themes.
- A Widget for tracking Social media time is available.
- Temporarily blocks Social media &your other favorite Android applications.
- Displays inspiring &motivational quotes to enhance productivity and live to the fullest in real life.
- One of the highest-rated apps to beat smartphone addiction. <리 스타일="글꼴 무게:400;" aria-level="1">The social media tracker has an easy-to-use &modern UI.
- Well-known for its accurate usage stats.
- Have to grant a lot of permissions to work properly.
5. Stay Focused
Stay Focused is an excellent social media monitoring app that offers a perfect blend of features, including an app/website blocker, app usage tracker, self-control booster, keywords blocker, screen time, smart productivity booster &much more. It offers a perfect blend of features to beat smartphone addiction without much effort. Let’s see what makes it the best app to limit and track Social media time.”
Features:Stay Focused
- Tracks daily time spent while using your favorite apps.
- Block apps &websites at particular time intervals.
- Offers multiple modes for weak self-control.
- Keeps track of time spent on websites as well.
- Set limits on your overall phone usage &screen time.
- Allows you to block certain keywords as well to make your device kid-proof.
- The app usage tracker even features a dedicated locker to block apps temporarily.
- Best app &website blocker.
- Blocks email notifications temporarily.
- A useful app to beat phone addiction.
- Most of the features are available with a premium version.
- Annoying ad popups.
6. Freedom
Freedom, as the name entails, helps you fight against Social Media &Smartphone addiction. Used by Millions of people from all around the world, Freedom is one of the best apps to track and limit Social media usage on iPhone &Android. It has a fantastic set of features to combat Nomophobia . Let’s take a look at what all the app usage tracker has to offer:
- It helps you focus &improve productivity by blocking an unlimited number of distracting apps &websites such as YouTube, ESPN and Facebook.
- The Social media blocker app allows you to block the internet with a single tap.
- Allows you to create an exclusion list to keep certain websites from the blocked list.
- This Social Media Time Tracker app creates a vast number of modified blocklists for all your requirements.
- Schedule Freedom to run at specific days ×.
- Convenient social media blocker app for novice &pro users.
- Excellent app to limit Social media usage while working from home.
- Actionable features to control phone addiction.
- Custom blocklists.
- Syncing across all your devices.
- Has certain issues with low-end devices.
7. Flipd
Wondering how to limit social media use accurately in a few taps? Use – Flipd, one of the most popular and intuitive apps, provides a hassle-free way to track &limit social media time on both iPhone and Android. To maintain digital detox, Flipd helps in hiding social media apps & focus on your work. Let’s take a look at the features of Flipd to know what it can do:
- Offers a dedicated locker to hide diverting apps.
- You can schedule reminders whenever you want no distraction.
- Monthly challenges within the Flipd community to enhance focus &overall productivity.
- Features to set goals for enhancing Focus, Sleep Time, Study &Work.
- Tracks the usage time and the time you didn’t use the app. Check the time which you save to motivate yourself.
- Attending classes or working at home, get reminders to Flip off to save yourself from distraction.
- Hides Social media apps to focus better on work.
- Significantly increases productivity &tracks daily goals.
- Lots of features are available with a free trial version.
- Poor support assistance. <리 스타일="글꼴 무게:400;" aria-level="1">Sometimes you may face issues upgrading to a premium version.
Formerly known as BreakFree, SPACE is an outstanding app to track and limit social media usage for iPhone and Android. This social media blocker app is quite popular &has been downloaded by over Millions of users from all around the globe . Let’s take a closer look at the features of Space:
- You can customize the app usage tracker according to your phone usage habits &preferences.
- It provides you with the opportunity to set &define your goals regarding your phone.
- It tracks your phone usage behaviour and shows you the progress that you have made within 2 months.
- It also sends non-intrusive notifications to intrude when your screen time bypasses the limit &alerts you to stay focused.
- Beautiful UI.
- Helps you understand your current hobbies.
- Lets you know what ‘type’ of phone user you are.
- Unlock top tips to achieve digital balance.
- Uses a significant amount of RAM.
- Sometimes crashes abruptly.
9. QualityTime
It’s a fun, visually engaging and easy-to-use app to limit Social media usage. It offers real-time reports on how much time you’ve spent on your smartphone &Social media apps. QualityTime, an app usage tracker, features an actionable set of tools to curb your addictions and set your time restrictions in the form of Alerts, Take A Break &Scheduled Breaks.
- Create multiple QualityTime profiles to customize the way you wish to unplug from the digital world.
- The social media blocker app works effortlessly well to get rid of annoying notifications, applications &reject phone calls too.
- The app usage tracker allows you to auto-reply text messages when you are busy with your family.
- View &manage your timeline activities from morning to night.
- Has a built-in Social media time tracker widget.
- Real-time smartphone usage reports.
- Accurate &reliable app to limit Social media time.
- Asks for lots of permissions to work properly.
- New update has a few bugs.
- Glitches while registering for the app usage tracker.
10. AppDetox
Completely hooked with exciting mobile games? Can’t stop scrolling your Instagram feed? Well, install AppDetox, a fantastic social media blocker that lives up to its name. It helps you set your parameters for each application you use. So, you can only access them when it’s not a disruption. Let’s see what all this app usage tracker has to offer:
- Detox from heavy usage &stop procrastinating work.
- Lock apps with a personal locker.
- Get frequent reminders to take a break from using apps.
- Simple yet effective app to limit social media time.
- Plain UI with easy to understand functions, best for novice users who want a simple phone tracker to manage their app usage time.
- Monitors overall phone usage progress.
- Shows digital footprint &screen time duration.
- Excellent app usage tracker to detoxify life.
- This Social Media time tracker app has an old UI.
- Requires lots of permissions to work properly.
Use These iPhone &Android Apps to Block Social Media, Websites, Apps, and the Internet
With the increasing addiction towards apps, Social Media and the Internet, it is essential to keep our online activities in check . Though smartphone addiction is unhealthy in several ways, one of the most important concerns is that it wastes your time, hampers personal life &procrastinates your work . You tend to lose your focus while working, hence poor productivity. Moreover, you spent more time in the reel world than real. This brings communication gaps, and it is certainly not healthy for any relationship that you have.
Alternatively, you can consider any of the above options to combat smartphone &social media addiction. 그래서, 당신은 무엇을 기다리고 있습니까? Start your digital detox journey using Social Fever (recommended solution) or any other apps that limit social media time on your iPhone &Android and get through with it!
How Do I Monitor App Usage? Meet These Top 10+ Apps That Limit Social Media Usage
To simplify your work and help you break smartphone addiction effectively &quickly, here is the list of top social media blocker apps to help you limit social network &overall phone usage:
Frequently Asked Questions | More About How To Limit Social Media Use (2022)
Q1. How can I control my social media usage?
There are a couple of ways to tame your social media usage. Check out the list of workarounds shared below:
- <리 스타일="글꼴 무게:400;" aria-level="1">Keeps your favorite apps out of sight, so they’re out of mind. <리 스타일="글꼴 무게:400;" aria-level="1">Take the help of the best social media tracker apps to limit your overall usage. <리 스타일="글꼴 무게:400;" aria-level="1">Invest time in your favorite off-screen activity or hobby. <리 스타일="글꼴 무게:400;" aria-level="1">Leave your phone outside when you take a nap. <리 스타일="글꼴 무게:400;" aria-level="1">Spend quality time with your friends and family.
Q2. Why should you limit social media use?
According to various studies, people who spend a significant amount of time on social media experience increased anxiety issues and decreased self-esteem. This happens after watching everybody else’s achievements and exciting lifestyle; it can make you unhappy about your own (seeming) lack of accomplishments and dissatisfied routine.
Q3. How Can I Track My Social Media Usage?
One of the most recommended apps to track &limit Social Media and overall smartphone usage is Social Fever . The application helps you beat cell phone addiction by monitoring app usage, screen time and allocating your precious time on activities that can help you reconnect with reality. Watch this quick video tutorial to learn all the benefits of using Social Fever!
Q4. How Can I Check Social Media Usage On iPhone Without Any Third-Party App?
If you don’t want to install any additional Social Media Tracker apps on your iPhone device, there’s a way to check your screen time and app usage through built-in settings. You just need to explore them, by following the path:Settings> Screen Time > tap on See All Activity under the graph. From here, you can check the time spent on each app you’ve used. Additionally, you can set limits for most used iPhone applications without any hassles.
Q5. How Long Should You Look At Your Phone?
There’s a popular 20-20-20 rule that most of the experts recommend if someone wants to adopt a healthier screen time and avoid eye strain . You have to move away from the screen every 20 minutes by looking at something that’s 20 feet away during 20 seconds.
Q6. How Can I Reduce Phone Radiation Exposure?
If you are highly concerned about limiting yourself to cellphone radiation exposure , then you should follow these effective tips:
- Try to have at least 10mm of space between you &your smartphone.
- Text rather than talk, whenever possible.
- Use speaker mode or wired headsets to lessen the amount of near field radiation.
- Try to limit the length of your phone calls. (A better alternative is to use a corded landline phone if available)
- Switch sides during calls, to lessen the radiation exposure to just one side of your head.
- Try avoiding using your smartphone when the signal is low.
- Use Airplane Mode when the phone is not in use.
Q7. How Can I See What My Child Is Doing On Their Phone?
There are a plethora of Parental Control apps for Android &iPhone/iPad that can help you keep track of your child’s online activities . Some are free while some are paid, but all these apps can help you spy on your kids without them knowing.
Best Apps To Limit Social Media Use (2021) | Product Highlights | How To Use It? | 가용성 |
Social Fever:App Time Tracker | Features to keep a check on your Eye &Ear health, Water Reminders | Tap on Track Goals icon > Add the app you want to track &limit &that’s all | Download Social Fever:App Time Tracker On Android |
Offtime | Lots of customization options to make the most out of app tracking &using | Use the Slider to set Start &End time for usage > Tap Start button to set Offtime. | Download Offtime On iPhone |
Moment | Accurately logs how many times you pick up your phone &other minor details | Set goals > Enter email > Manage app usage &explore other useful insights | Download Moment On iPhone |
StayFree | Keep a check on daily &monthly app usage with Pie chart graphs | Long tap apps you want to block temporarily> Explore their usage count &other detailed statistics | Download StayFree On Android |
Stay Focused | Get anti-social with an excellent set of features to block app, website, keywords &the internet | Tap on any of the options – Block apps, Sites, Keywords, Screen Time to start tracking, blocking &management | Download Stay Focused On Android |
Freedom | Best Paid &Free app available to track &limit Social media usage on both Android &iPhone | Tap on New Session> Enable app blocking > add distracting websites | Download Freedom On Android &iPhone |
Flipd | Simplest &most effective distraction blocker that prevents you from getting off digital tasks &focus on what matters | Tap on Get Started > Tap on Class or Unplug for enhancing productivity or detaching yourself from virtual world > Alter settings for tracking Focus, Sleep &more | Download Flipd On Android &iPhone |
SPACE | Notification blocker &screen dimming to curb your smartphone usage | Tap on Focus button to set goals that are important to accomplish > Head toward Progress to manage &track phone usage | Download SPACE On Android &iPhone |
QualityTime | Bocks notifications, reject incoming calls with auto-reply text messages when you are spending quality time | Sign up to register > Set app usage time tracking settings> Spend quality time with family | Download QualityTime On Android |
AppDetox | Set your own rules to track app usage, plan digital detox &take timely breaks | Tap on (+) icon to add apps you want to detox from > Set notification blocking rules &other parameters for better tracking | Download AppDetox On Android |