게임용 마우스에는 컴퓨터 게임을 하는 데 이상적인 추가 기능이 있습니다. 게임용 마우스는 게임 경험의 필수적인 부분을 형성하며 게임 경험이 얼마나 즐거운지 또는 끔찍한지를 정의할 수 있습니다. 마우스 디자인에 통합된 기능, 기술 사양 및 인체 공학의 수는 일반적으로 게임용 마우스의 비용을 결정합니다. 피>
대부분의 게임용 마우스는 15달러에서 50달러 사이입니다. 고품질 센서, RGB 조명, 무선 기술 옵션, 수많은 프로그래밍 가능 버튼과 같은 추가 기능을 갖춘 더 비싼 게임용 마우스는 $70에서 $250 사이입니다. 피>
게임용 마우스의 적정 가격
게임용 마우스를 구입할 때는 즐거운 게임 경험을 제공할 마우스가 필요합니다. 저렴한 게임용 마우스는 저렴할 수 있지만 최상의 편안함이나 반응성을 제공하지 못할 수 있습니다. 업계 최고의 기능을 갖춘 더 비싼 게임용 마우스는 종종 우수한 게임 경험을 제공합니다. 하지만 돈을 쓰기 전에 게임용 마우스의 적절한 가격이 얼마인지 알아야 합니다.
좋은 게임용 마우스의 평균 가격은 25달러에서 50달러 사이입니다. 마우스의 가격은 브랜드, 기능, 모양 및 센서에 따라 다릅니다. 기본 게임용 마우스는 약 25달러이며 더 많은 기능을 제공하는 중급 마우스는 약 40달러입니다. 고급 게임용 마우스의 경우 50달러 이상을 지불해야 합니다. 센서의 품질, 고급 무선 기술, 게임용 마우스의 디자인 및 구성, 폴링률과 같은 기능은 일반적으로 게임용 마우스의 비용을 증가시킵니다. 피>
게임용 마우스의 가격에 영향을 미치는 기능
게임용 마우스는 일반적으로 일반 비게임용 마우스보다 비용이 더 많이 들며 작은 주머니 크기의 게임용 마우스가 수백 달러에 달하는 이유가 궁금할 때가 있습니다. 게임용 마우스의 높은 가격은 컴퓨터 게임을 하기에 이상적인 추가 기능 때문입니다. 피>
고가의 게임용 마우스에는 고품질 센서, 고급 무선 기술, 더 나은 플라스틱 및 코팅 재료, 더 높은 폴링률 등의 기능이 있습니다. 피>
게임용 마우스와 일반 컴퓨터 마우스를 자세히 비교하려면 게임용 마우스와 일반 마우스 중에서 선택하는 데 도움이 되는 팁을 제공하는 기사를 읽어보십시오.
다음은 게임용 마우스의 가격에 영향을 미치는 기능입니다.
기능 1. 센서 품질
센서는 게이밍 마우스의 가장 중요한 구성 요소 중 하나입니다. 센서의 주요 기능은 마우스가 놓인 표면에서 마우스의 움직임을 추적하고 이 움직임을 컴퓨터 화면에 표시되는 커서로 변환하는 것입니다. 피>
광학 및 레이저 센서는 게임용 마우스에 사용되는 두 가지 유형의 센서입니다. 게임용 마우스에 사용되는 센서는 일반적으로 품질이 더 높습니다. 더 많은 DPI(인치당 도트 수)를 정확하게 감지할 수 있습니다. 이러한 고품질 센서는 게임용 마우스가 일반적으로 반응이 빠르고 컴퓨터 게임에 적합한 주된 이유입니다. Journal of Advances in Usability, User Experience, Wearable and Assistive Technology의 이 기사에서 설명하듯이, 게임용 마우스는 게이머가 가상 환경과 상호 작용하는 데 사용하는 입력 장치이며 장치의 반응성과 직관성이 높을수록 더 좋습니다. 경험. 피>
이와 같은 고품질 센서가 장착된 게임용 마우스는 사용자에게 흥미진진한 게임 경험을 제공합니다. 그들은 일반적으로 구축 비용이 많이 들기 때문에 이러한 게임용 마우스를 생산하는 회사는 종종 더 높은 가격표를 붙입니다. 때때로 마우스에 문제가 있을 수 있습니다. 자주 발생하는 문제 중 하나이므로 계속 더블클릭하는 게임용 마우스를 수정하는 방법을 알아보려면 관련 문서를 읽어보세요.
기능 2. 고급 무선 기술
게임용 마우스에는 유선 및 무선의 두 가지 연결 유형이 있습니다. 무선 게이밍 마우스에는 게임을 편리하고 재미있게 만들어주는 몇 가지 기능이 있습니다. 일반적으로 응답성이 뛰어나고 지연이 줄어들며 게이머가 다양한 위치에서 게임을 매우 쉽게 플레이할 수 있습니다. 이것이 다이 하드 게이머에게 최고의 선택인 이유 중 일부입니다. 유선 게이밍 마우스와 이에 상응하는 무선 마우스의 가격을 비교하면 일반적으로 무선 마우스가 유선 마우스보다 더 비싸다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.
이러한 가격 차이의 이유는 무선 게이밍 마우스가 보다 진보되고 현대적인 기술로 만들어졌기 때문입니다. 대기 시간이 짧은 2.4GHz 및 Bluetooth 기술은 무선 게임용 마우스를 만드는 데 사용되는 기술의 예입니다. 이러한 기술 덕분에 무선 마우스는 지연이 적고 응답성이 매우 뛰어납니다. 피>
기능 3. 설계 및 시공
게임용 마우스는 일반적으로 대부분의 게이머가 가혹한 움직임과 장시간의 거친 취급에 노출됩니다. 흥분되는 게임 감각으로 인해 게이머가 무의식적으로 마우스를 포함한 게임 하드웨어를 거칠게 다룰 수 있기 때문에 게이머를 완전히 비난해서는 안됩니다. ACM Digital Library Journals의 이 논문에서 설명하는 것처럼 게이머는 이러한 가상 세계에 너무 몰입하여 그들의 감정과 스트레스 호르몬이 실제 반응을 반영합니다. 위협적인 상황). 피>
이것이 이와 같은 게임용 마우스가 내구성이 뛰어나고 지속적인 마모를 견딜 수 있는 고품질 소재로 만들어진 주된 이유입니다. 이러한 고품질 소재는 게임용 마우스의 내구성과 수명을 증가시킬 뿐만 아니라 더 비싼 가격표에 기여합니다. 또한 정교한 미학, 화려한 맞춤형 RGB 조명 및 멋진 인체공학적 스타일은 게임용 마우스의 추가 기능으로 가격이 약간 더 높아집니다.
기능 4. 폴링레이트
폴링레이트는 게이밍 마우스의 효율성에 대해 이야기할 때마다 자주 듣게 되는 용어입니다. 폴링레이트는 게이밍 마우스가 자신의 위치를 컴퓨터에 보고하는 초당 횟수를 나타냅니다. 측정 단위는 헤르츠(Hz)입니다. Let’s say a gaming mouse has a polling rate of 500 Hz, what this means is that the mouse reports its position to the computer 500 times per second. A mouse with a high polling rate is generally more responsive than one with a low polling rate.
The polling rate is particularly important for those who play fast-paced FPS games like Doom Eternal. These fast-paced games generally require a mouse like this with a high polling rate, as a mouse with a low polling rate will not only frustrate the gamer but will also result in an awful gaming experience. 피>
This is the reason why most gaming mice have high polling rates—to increase the responsiveness of the mouse and make gaming more exciting. But, building gaming mice with high polling rates often costs companies more, which is another reason gaming mice manufacturers place high price tags on gaming mice.
Shapes of Gaming Mice and Their Prices
All gaming mice will basically have two types of shapes:the ambidextrous shape and the ergonomic shape. The differences between these two mice lie in their structural design and symmetry. While ambidextrous mice have mirrored designs with sides that are perfectly symmetrical, ergonomic mice are vertically designed with sides that are asymmetrical.
Both the ambidextrous and ergonomic mice can be purchased for as low as $10 while a few of them cost over $100. Though their price range may be similar, ergonomic mice often cost more. 피>
Shape 1. Ambidextrous Mice
Ambidextrous mice have uniform designs with sides that are perfectly symmetrical to each other—their two sides both have the same shape and structure. They also have a neutral design that makes it possible for one to conveniently use them with either hand. 피>
The fact that ambidextrous mice like these allow easy transitioning is particularly beneficial to gamers as it prevents fatigue and injuries that are caused by long periods of playing computer games. The ambidextrous mice are also beneficial for left-handed people who comprise about 10% of the world’s population, according to this article from The Washington Post. 피>
Shape 2. Ergonomic Mice
Ergonomic mice like this are vertically designed with sides that are not identical to each other. The vertical design of the ergonomic mice allows them to be handled with the whole palm, thus making it easier for gamers to conveniently assign and use the programmable buttons on the mouse. 피>
Though they may not be used with both hands like their ambidextrous counterparts, they are designed in a way that makes them easy to modify which will reduce pain and fatigue, according to this article from ZD Net.
Summary of Popular Gaming Mice
Gaming Mouse Shape | Price Range | Example |
Ergonomic | ~$135 | Evoluent Vertical Mouse C Right Wired |
Ergonomic | ~$25 | Microsoft Bluetooth Ergonomic Wireless Mouse |
Ergonomic | ~$100 | Logitech Mx Master 3S Wireless Mouse |
Ambidextrous | ~$50 | Razer Viper 8KHz Ultralight Ambidextrous Gaming Mouse |
Ambidextrous | ~$100 | Steelseries Sensei 310 Gaming Mouse |
If you've ever wondered what the difference is between a gaming mouse and a normal mouse, be sure to read our related article to find out more. Furthermore, you might find interest in learning the tips for choosing a game mouse for large hands. Make sure to take a look at that article for more information.
Gaming Mice Sensors and Their Affect on Prices
The sensor plays an integral role in defining how exciting or awful a gaming experience will be. Without a decent sensor, your gaming mouse will not be able to work. The cursor on the computer screen which moves when you move the mouse is able to do so with the aid of the sensor in the mouse. Sensors in gaming mice consist of two types:optical and laser sensors. 피>
A mouse with an optical or laser sensor costs from $10 to $40. Though they have similar price ranges, a mouse with a laser sensor will typically cost much more than a mouse with an optical sensor. 피>
The sensors used in gaming mice are usually very sensitive and can detect more dots per inch (DPI). DPI is a measure of the sensitivity of a mouse. The higher the number of DPIs that can be detected by a gaming mouse, as this one does, the more sensitive and responsive that mouse will be. The two types of sensors in a gaming mouse, optical and laser sensors, both have the same principle guiding their operation. They only differ in the type of ray they transmit.
Optical Sensors
Optical sensors work by transmitting an LED light that shines onto the surface the mouse is moving on as explained in this video tutorial by Corsair. The light hitting this surface bounces back and is received by the complementary metal oxide semiconductors (CMOS), as explained in this article by The Journal of Semiconductor Engineering, in the mouse. 피>
The CMOS functions like a camera, taking thousands of pictures of the desk surface per second. The CMOS then sends these captured images to a digital signal processor (DSP) in the mouse. The DSP receives these images, analyzes them, then uses these images to determine the direction and the speed the mouse was moved. Finally, the computer receives this information from the DSP, synchronously moving the cursor on the computer screen as explained in this article by Utmel Electronics, a manufacturer of gaming mouse components.
Due to the less intense nature of LED light, the sensors in optical mice only sense the top of the surface where the mouse is placed. The resolution of an optical mouse is about 3000 DPI and they are best used with mouse pads as it may sometimes be difficult for the optical sensors to take pictures of surfaces that have a clear, reflective, or glossy surface. 피>
A major advantage of optical mice is that they do not cause acceleration problems, which is the inability of the cursor to return back to its initial position when the mouse is quickly moved on the mouse pad. Optical mice like this cost between $10 and $40.
Laser sensors
Laser sensors have similar working principles to those of optical sensors. The only difference is that they illuminate the desk surface with an infrared laser beam which is more intense than the LED light. 피>
Laser mice like this have a resolution of about 6000 to 15000 DPI which makes them much more sensitive and reactive than optical mice. Though this difference in sensitivity between the optical and laser mouse can be hardly noticed by an average end user. The downside of using a laser mouse is that they sometimes have acceleration problems. Check out our article on gaming mouse quality testing to learn more about DPI.
Laser mice have a similar price range to optical mice, they cost between $10 and $40, though a laser mouse with extra features will cost more than $50.
If you still need more information, be sure to read our quick guide to gaming mouse specs before making a final decision. 피>
Popular Gaming Mouse Brands
Due to the wide variety of gaming mouse brands that are available, getting a good gaming mouse shouldn’t be much of a problem. We will now be looking at some of the most popular gaming mouse brands and their unique features.
Logitech is a popular gaming mouse brand known for being affordable, SteelSeries gaming mice are known for good ergonomic features, and Razer is the brand of gaming mice known for having industry-leading features and designs. 피>
A few popular brands are:
Brand 1. Logitech
Logitech is a Swiss-American multinational computer accessories company known for producing the most affordable gaming mice. Their gaming mice support Logitech G Hub Software which makes it easy for users to customize and optimize supported Logitech hardware devices. 피>
Their gaming mice usually have at least 6 programmable buttons, visually pleasing RGB lighting, and other cool ergonomic features. Though Logitech gaming mice like these are best for those on a financial budget, they do not have the best sensitivity features and may not be ideal for games where sensitivity and responsiveness are important.
Brand 2. Steelseries
SteelSeries is a Danish computer accessories company known for producing gaming mice like this with comfort-focused ergonomic features. They are known for producing gaming mice that are sleek and uncluttered. Their pleasant, speedy, and responsive buttons make them ideal for playing e-sports games. So, if you want a gaming mouse that will make playing professional competitive games enjoyable, SteelSeries gaming mice will be a very good option.
Brand 3. Razer
Razer is an American-Singaporean multinational company known for producing simple but classy gaming mice. Their gaming mice have some of the best industry features. This Razer Viper Ultimate, one of the best gaming mice, has optical switches used for playing ultra-competitive games, a charging dock that protects from power surges and stops overcharging of the mouse, Alexa compatibility, and cool ambidextrous features. So, if you are keen on your gaming performance and you want a gaming mouse with the best industry features, go for a Razer mouse.
How to Choose the Right Gaming Mouse
A good gaming mouse will not only have a positive impact on your performance, but it will also make gaming fun, exciting, and enjoyable when you are playing for long hours. There are, however, some important factors you need to consider before purchasing a gaming mouse.
Choosing the right gaming mouse according to grip style, the type of games being played, the DPI and polling rates of the mouse, and the reliability of the mouse. 피>
The considerations when buying a gaming mouse are:
Know Your Grip Style
The grip style basically refers to the way a person holds the mouse. The gamer’s hand position on the mouse will determine the type of mouse that will be best for them. There are 3 different types of grip styles:the palm grip, the tip grip, and the claw grip as we explain in our guide for choosing the ideal gaming mouse grip for you.
The Palm Grip
For this type of grip style, the whole palm rests on the mouse with the fingers lying flat on the mouse buttons. A large-sized mouse like this is best for this kind of grip. Our article about what gaming mouse to use for larger hands explains the discomfort issues a gamer will experience when using a mouse that is too small and how to choose the right size mouse for your hand measurement.
The Tip Grip
For this grip style, only the tips of the fingers touch the mouse buttons while the thumb is used to hold the mouse. A small lightweight mouse is best for this kind of grip. Our article about smaller gaming mice lists the 7 best gaming mice for small hands and is a good resource if you are looking for smaller mice. 피>
The Claw Grip
This grip style is a combination of both the palm grip and the fingertip grip. For this grip style, the palm rests on the back of the mouse while the thumb and fingers point forward in the shape of a claw. A small and narrow mouse like this one is best for this kind of grip.
Know the Type of Game You Will Be Playing
The type of game you will be playing will largely determine the kind of mouse you will need. For first-person shooter (FPS) games, you will need a mouse that has low click latency, is lightweight, and has a nice ergonomic set-up for comfort and performance. This Razer Viper 8 kHz is a good example of a mouse designed for FPS games. 피>
For multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games, you will need a gaming mouse with the following features:strong mouse battery life, tactile and comforting buttons, few programmable buttons at the side of the mouse. This Logitech G602 gaming mouse is ideal for playing MOBA games. 피>
Check the Dots Per Inch (DPI) and Polling Rates of the Gaming Mouse
The DPI of a mouse determines how fast the cursor will move on the screen when the mouse slides across the mousepad, while the polling rates will determine how well the sensor in the mouse will report its position back to the computer. Different games require different DPI and polling rates in a mouse. An FPS game for example requires a mouse with high DPI and polling rates like this one. Knowing the DPI and polling rate requirements of a game will determine the type of mouse you will be needing for optimum gaming performance.
Check the Reliability of the Mouse
Due to the expensive nature of gaming mice, you need to do your due diligence in checking how reliable a gaming mouse is. One of the best ways of checking the reliability of a gaming mouse is by checking the reviews, comments, and ratings of customers who have already used the mouse you are about to buy. This will go a long way in preventing you from buying a gaming mouse with sub-standard quality. A surefire way of getting the best gaming mouse is by buying a mouse like this from an established and reputable brand. 피>
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